A Season of Joy and Safety: Madeline & Noah’s Story

Madeline knew she needed to break away from her partner of nine years; he was verbally and sometimes physically abusive to her and she was frightened he would one day come after their six-year-old son, Noah.

When she finally felt it was safe to leave, a friend gave her and Noah permission to stay at her home temporarily. Neither her friend nor Madeline felt comfortable with the living situation, but Madeline says she had a hard time admitting to herself the truth: she needed to seek outside help for herself and Noah. They belonged in a shelter where they could take advantage of services meant for families facing homelessness just like hers.

Madeline had a lot of healing to do. After so much time in a toxic relationship, she was anxious and traumatized. She was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and told to spend time taking care of herself to become emotionally well.

She relied on her faith and the classes taught by UMOM’s in-house Chaplain to help her get through the day.

“It took a lot to become grounded,” Madeline says. She also says asking for help when she needed it taught her humility and she’s forged friendships with other moms on the New Day Center campus who were going through the same type of circumstances.

Noah is improving as well. He’s a shy little boy and rarely had friends in the past. He now has a small circle of children on campus he interacts and plays with when they are not in school.

Madeline is interviewing for jobs as an administrative assistant and in customer service and is working with UMOM’s housing specialists to be placed in a permanent, affordable home.

She is looking forward to a new space for the holidays, where she can finally have family – her older son, her daughter-in-law, and grandchildren – come over for Christmas.

She is emotional as she explains why it is so important to her. Her ex-partner discouraged family visits and holidays were rarely festive and enjoyable.

A new start in her own home with her young son will change all of that. She will finally be able to have the holiday she has wanted for a long time.

“I just want to have family there. I love to cook. I want to prepare food for them and just be together, the way it’s supposed to be.”


Independent to Unhoused During COVID: Pleasant’s Story


A Home for the Holidays: Jarvis’ Story