Veteran on the Brink of Homelessness: Robert and Maria’s Story
Meaghan Rodeck Meaghan Rodeck

Veteran on the Brink of Homelessness: Robert and Maria’s Story

Robert came home in 1991 after serving in the Gulf War. Years later, Robert began experiencing shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and fatigue. Over the next several years, maintaining housing and even basic needs became more difficult due to the pandemic, rising costs, and health issues. Then, the unimaginable happened.

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Hope Restored: Maria’s Story
Meaghan Rodeck Meaghan Rodeck

Hope Restored: Maria’s Story

“I never thought as a property manager for 15 years that I would be in a shelter, with my family on the other side of the counter,” says Maria. “It’s not like I’m not an educated person, because I am.”

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Feeling Stuck in Shelters, Chloe Started a New Life
Meaghan Rodeck Meaghan Rodeck

Feeling Stuck in Shelters, Chloe Started a New Life

Chloe came to Arizona from San Diego, California, with her daughter, week-old son, and a baby on the way. Chloe had been living at the Salvation Army, but knew she didn’t want to be in a shelter forever. She wanted a job to support her family and her own place to raise them in.

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Not Enough Left Over: Akia and Nyrah’s Story
Meaghan Rodeck Meaghan Rodeck

Not Enough Left Over: Akia and Nyrah’s Story

To save as much as possible for a rent deposit, Akia took on side jobs, making deliveries around her work schedule. It wasn’t enough. No matter how many hours she worked, her income was not going to be sufficient to raise two months’ rent and a deposit while paying for motels.

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A Home for the Holidays: Leslie and LaBrandon’s Story
Meaghan Rodeck Meaghan Rodeck

A Home for the Holidays: Leslie and LaBrandon’s Story

When her husband of ten years died a few years ago, Leslie and her young son left their home in Kentucky and moved back home to Michigan. But enough time there reminded her of why she left home in the first place: bad influences she didn’t want around her 12-year-old, LaBrandon. Leslie needed a fresh start.

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Struggling to Stay Cool & Safe: Donny and Janice’s Story
Meaghan Rodeck Meaghan Rodeck

Struggling to Stay Cool & Safe: Donny and Janice’s Story

Donny and Janice lost all of what they had left to a rental scam. Out of options, they moved into a 24-hour storage unit with their three-year-old daughter by day and slept in their car at night, even when temperatures never dropped below 85 degrees.

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Helping When It’s Needed Most: Kelly’s Story
Meaghan Rodeck Meaghan Rodeck

Helping When It’s Needed Most: Kelly’s Story

As she began to pick up the pieces of her life, Kelly and her children were forced out of the rental unit when her mom passed and spent the next few months trying to find a place to live. But rising rent prices and the old eviction automatically disqualified her applications from being accepted.

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